Interconnections and overall picture of the industry
Doing business of telecomunications in Latam
Latin America is a highly competitive market with a big supply of carriers, which generates an environment that demands from the actors to define limits and complex processes for the interconnection processes.
Involved operators conduct each other, their interconnections to provide access to the final users. In the face of peering, practices are different, it is not common that such be free and be performed directly with each country´s involved operators; as a consequence, the best choice to reach those users is through each one of the countries IXP (Internet Exchange Point)
To do a peering in the region is a matter of relationships, relevance and the size of the operator in which you are interested in.
Carriers usually do not have limitation in performing peering, in most of the cases they will leave all interconnection costs to whoever requests for the peering and will seek to generate a small revenue through Cross connection or co-location.
To hire an IP provider in South America, it is necessary to evaluate how much access to the EyeBall does it have and how is his connection to the main carriers. At this answer, it is convenient to be critical and ask for support in order to avoid hiring services with high latency between the content and the final users.
List of Content:
IXP in South America:
South America has an IXP in each country and even more than one in some of them. The process of connecting to those IXP is quite simple for the most of the countries, it is only about meeting access costs and paying a monthly fee, and by doing so, you can get to learn all the networks of the operators that are already connected there. These IXP are associative in nature, and because of that they have few resources for rapid increasing of capacity, which in some cases generates congestion of the available infrastructure.
Due to the lunch of high demand content and apps & games updates, there are traffic peaks in these IXP. For those cases, to have only one IXP to deliver the content might be risky because the final users will be affected by high latencies due to the saturation.
The most relevant IXP in South America are as follows:
Ix.BR is one of the IXP that carries more traffic worldwide. It has several points of traffic interchange in several cities in Brazil.
Connectivity infrastructure:
Connectivity infrastructure in South America occurs in high availability networks in OPGW technology and Aerial Fiber Infrastructure network along the main roads with average availability. In big cities we can find networks along underground lines and ducts with high availability and on low voltage poles with low availability.
The most relevant terrestrial routes:
Datacenter market in South America:
Regarding Datacenter market in South America, it has rapidly grown during the last two years, there has been a fast development of interconnections between the main traffic interchange spots and the most relevant Datacenters. The region expects to have 7.6% yearly growth during 2021 – 2026 period, and in response to the high demand that has been present in the region, the supply will increase for the coming years.
Main Datacenter: